Best Online Dating Tips

The best way to use this online dating advice guide is to scan for areas of interest. I have covered everything from the best dating sites, profile writing, messaging, do’s and dont’s, and dating courses that kick ass. You should get a lot of value out of this. Let’s get to it!


Online dating: It used to be the territory of the desperate, timid, and socially awkward a decade ago right?

Let’s throw in some people from the witness protection agency too for fun. Now-a-days though there has been an explosion of dating sites. They are as common as Starbucks and about as popular too. No doubt, online dating has become the modern day match maker (online dating results in about 33% of all US marriages believe it or not).

Instead of having your aunt preach the virtues of this girl she meet (or guy), online dating sites now make for a “do it yourself” solution…which is all the more reason you need online dating advice and online dating tips to help guide you.

The biggest question most ask…

is how and where do you meet people that are date worthy? Once you’re done with school and you’re working full time it gets more challenging. Are you really going to meet the love of your life at a bar? At a friends party? Maybe haphazardly when you’re strolling through the mall?

Sure, why not. Crazier things have happened…but why put it to chance alone? This is why online dating has such a level of popularity. It gives you direct power over your dating life.

It can be difficult to meet quality people if you’re single and on your own.

Learning how to date online is useful because if you choose to ignore it, you’re missing out on a wonderful way to meet a variety of people you may never would otherwise. Stop looking at dating sites with skepticism and prejudice and learn how to leverage online dating sites and have fun with it.

Online dating is your personal catalog of willing and available persons.

The awesome thing about online dating is it acts as a catalog of men and women in every shape size and color. You can literally browse other human beings by category: White, Black, Asian, mix, other. Set predefined height limits, set up filters on who can talk to you and who can not.

You can also check out the new arrivals or view the clearance section. Categories also allow you to browse by whatever is your “type” is. Personality? Character? Ambition? Who cares! I only date black guys or white guys or blond women or Asian chicks!

Internet dating exposes you to more variety. It allows you to meet girls and guys you otherwise would not.

Plain and simple this is the strongest reason to use a dating site (and is specifically why I use online dating in conjunction with going out). You meet girls/guys all the time, but when you do the same thing week after week, the same 3 bars, the same 4 clubs, in the same 3 towns over and over. The variety starts to dwindle, you find yourself meeting the same type of person over and over again. Online dating can help break this cycle up.

Maybe you’ll meet the busy entrepreneur who works all the time and never gets out, maybe you’ll meet that beautiful family/career oriented girl who doesn’t like bars, or maybe you’ll meet the 35 yr old who live at home with mom and dad and doesn’t go out because he has no friends. There is risk in online dating, but if you arm yourself with the right online dating tips and online dating advice you increase the potential that you might me someone great.


Did you choose one? Lets move onto the profile

Take some time scanning through the list above. Once you have figured out what you are looking for and what site might be right for you, sign up for a site or two… $30-40 a month is not going to break the bank. If you want to cancel after one month, you can really cancel with no worries of future charges.

With that out of the way, let’s cover the topic of actually writing an online dating profile. Make sure your profile explains WHAT you looking for, not just why someone should be interested in you.

Online Dating Profile Tips: A weak uninspiring profile:

I’m a very successful businessman who’s the VP of finance at a fortune 500 company. I like to play base guitar in my rock band, I speak 3 languages, and I save kittens from shelters on the weekend.

What I am looking for: Someone who is nice and cute.
What this is really saying is that 1) You have no idea what you want, and 2) are probably a bit full of yourself, which is not a desirable trait. The good points are you did a good job selling yourself, you just need to focus more on what you want. Develop a more balanced approach.

A stupid generic profile:

Whats up? I’m 24, I like to chill, looking for a cool girl to relax with. My goal is to win the lotto and open a bar.
What I am looking for: Someone who knows how to have a good time. Hit me up if you like what you see.
You come off like an idiot if you write this.

Female online dating profile tips:

Men focus on the pictures more than what you say. So keep your profile descriptive and unique but do not over do it. Just craft a few nice sentences describing how you have standards, what you are looking for, things you like to do, and what you are generally all about. Since men send the first email 75% of the time according to POF it is best to create a profile that allows a man to break the ice based off something you wrote, just don’t go overboard because your picture will determine if you get an email or not. In all honesty, online dating advice and online dating tips for women profiles really are that basic…don’t over complicate it.

Male online dating profile tips:

The nature of an online dating site is to go off the pictures. If a woman does not find your picture attractive she will disqualify you before reading what you wrote. While this is true, what you say is important to women. My best advice is to be long, descriptive, unique, humorous, and a bit of a smart ass.

Being overly nice and generic is boring and it does not work. Just to give you an idea here is my personal online dating profile:

Honestly, whats the point of this part? I don’t think girls actually read this area. You just look at my pics and 1) disqualify me if you don’t think I am cute or 2) you read what I wrote and return my message only *after* viewing my pics to see if I am cute enough.

This is why guys generally don’t put in the effort online because it goes unrewarded. Yea I could talk about how I am in shape and I’m smart and I want a family and I like pets, and I’m entrepreneurial. I could get into all the ways you would be lucky to have a guy like me…but you don’t care about any of that. You just care about what the pics are.
Because I forgot that arrogance is a new trait among so many on this site, that you look down on guys, that because you think your so pretty and wear nice clothes, but have nothing to offer other than your looks you deserve some GQ looking guy. Oh and if you thought I was cute and actually read to this point…high five, what I just wrote was a test to see if girls read profiles or not, and if you don’t think im cute but read this ha ha tricked you, I was probably not that interested in you anyways. (and yes I agree, the above applies to guys as well, guys are worse actually…and yes this was meant to be slightly truthful/humorous since most of us go of the pictures, make a + or – decision THEN read the profile….looking forward to see what kind of hate mail I get with this, Ill keep you up to date)

I get about 4 emails a day with this little number. It is funny and demonstrate I don’t give a sh#t which women love for whatever reason.

First Impressions are everything

We all exaggerate a bit. You’re going to want to say you’re a bit taller than you actually are. That you make a little more money than you actually do. That you weigh a little less than is reality. My personal rule:

Lie enough to get to coffee, but not to get to bed

Don’t say “I’m a millionaire cowboy astronaut who takes time to reflect on my feelings every day”, or “I’m a cover-girl model with a PHD in European history who travels the world”. Blatant false advertising is a no no. It will just wastes your time and theirs. You want to put your best foot forward, but you want the other person to actually be interested in who you are, not who they think you are.

If you’re afraid of rejection then you have to overcome that fear.You will be rejected. You will not be cute enough for some people, thin enough for some people, tall enough for some people…but you know what? Get over it.

Strong points can make up for weak character traits:

  • I’m a pathological liar, but I tell great stories!
  • My IQ is about room temperature and stairs confuse me, but I’m nice to small animals and children.

Be reasonably honest so when you meet in person, your date won’t be disappointed. You want the person to like you for you. This is easier said than done, but trust me, honesty is the best policy. Always.

A profile is NOT a resume, it is a piece of sales copy advertising YOU

You take time reading reviews before you buy something. Well what the heck do you think online dating is? The profile is your sales copy, your picture is the product, the date is the test to see if it works, and the late night romp means you did the job as advertised.

You need to take time and care when filling this stuff out. It takes practice. Make a word document that is dedicated to what your online profile reads. Work on it and make changes to it little by little till it is perfect. Since it is in a word file you can easily copy and paste it on any site you end up using.

Spell check / grammar / all caps

Spell check your words and understand the difference between your and you’re, their, there, and they’re. This is essential online dating advice. Spelling errors make you look stupid.

Valuable online dating tips also include the warning  to never use all caps. It makes you look like an idiot or a 14 year old girl (no offense to 14 year old girls reading this)


Exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you’re a girl, it’s OK to use exclamation marks. It makes you come off as happy and energetic. If you’re a guy, it makes you look a bit juvenile. So if you are a man, try to stay away from using exclamation marks if possible, you may think that it shows enthusiasm, but you’re probably wrong.

What you write and what he sees

Buying a house and getting a date, actually have a lot in common. For starters, there’s “code”. “Cozy” means small and cramped, “partial view” means a view of a building that’s in the way, and “great potential” means money pit. The same goes for what you write as a woman. This is how a guy will interpret what you write:

Healthy and Athletic: 15 lbs overweight

loves animals: has 20+ cats

free spirit: might be slutty, aka a potential random hook up

I’m a caring woman: plain looking, over 40, bakes banana bread

Intelligent is sexy: ugly

Girls Just wanna have fun: chubby over-weight sorority chick

To have a chance with me: high maintenance,full of themselves

Don’t waste my time/ where are all the good men: a complainer with bad taste in men

If after all this you find yourself having trouble writing a profile that expresses who you are and what you’re all about there are always online dating profile writing services you can check out and leverage. E-yrano is the market leader in this department. They were founded by Evan Mark Katz, a popular online dating coach who has a reputation to uphold (always a good thing)

These are all perfect tips for start but if you want to learn advanced tips and tricks you can download this awesome ebook. Its by far the best ebook i ever read.  It teaches all the advanced tips you ever need to find your first date successfully.